& Friends 9/23/24

& Friends 9/23/24
I have something new & fun to share today.  Well, it's not perfectly perfect quite yet, but I don't look exactly like one of these chic friends above quite yet either, so why hold off a minute more?! 

Having been at this design thing for just shy of twenty years now, I've met a ton of wildly talented and creative people, many of whom I'm lucky to call friends.  While I was in Atlanta at market earlier this summer, I got to see many of them - in fact, it was pretty much an all out love fest, and so I got to thinking, "Why not bring some of these friends right onto my virtual storefront?!"  And guess what, they loved the idea!  READ MORE

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Glimmers in Blue 9/16/24

Glimmers in Blue 9/16/24
All that glimmers is not gold.  Sometimes it's blue (which happens to be the theme of today's note).  Sometimes what glimmers is not even a color - it could be a sound (the opening notes of a your childhood best friend's favorite song), or a scent (a whiff of your mother's perfume).   Glimmers are little surprise moments of joy.   How about a baby smiling at you while in the grocery store line - that will always light me up.    And here's the thing - the more you look for glimmers, the more you'll find them.   So take a mental snapshot, and try to keep a glimmer file in your mind's eye.   READ MORE

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Slip Inn to Fall 9/9/24

Slip Inn to Fall 9/9/24
If you're a longstanding Love Note reader, you'll know plenty about my end of summer blues + lackluster enthusiasm for falling into fall (if not, or if you're just looking for a kindred spirit on this topic, then have a read here).  Fall, after all, is the season that brings us brown.   It's also the season when you realize the pants that you haven't worn for three months might not fit so well.    Need I say more?  READ MORE

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Fireflies 8/29/24

Fireflies 8/29/24
I'm still in Maine, where the license plates actually do read "Vacationland".  I still have another week to enjoy my beloved summer spot on this sublime coastline.  While out on my ritual morning walk earlier this week, I found myself listening extra carefully to a lovely little ballad by singer songwriter Lori McKenna, in which she melodically reminisces about catching fireflies "in mayonnaise jars with holes poked on top".  (Have a listen to her sing it here).  READ MORE

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Sun Shine On 7/28/24

Sun Shine On 7/28/24
I had been collecting images of Paris for today's note, with hopes of staying a leap - or more accurately, just a wee step ahead, in what has become a Sunday ritual with my proverbial pen.   And yet, here I sit, still mired amid the first paragraph.   Despite all the joy and inspiration from watching thousands of dedicated summer athletes gracefully dancing their way across the city of light and beyond, (the Olympic sailing venue is in Marseille - follow along here) ... AND despite a take-your-breath-away performance by Celine Dion, I am not finding much gold to be mined from my third party vantage point sitting here at my desk.    Aaahhhh oh sigh.  Maybe it's just that I'm ready for my August vacation.  Let's keep it simple for today.

Shine on Olympian superstars.   May we bask in the aftermath of your glow.  READ MORE

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