Turn on Your Lights 11/11 24
I recently read that November is like December's introverted, more introspective younger sister, (in Magpie by Jen Shoop).  November is a good month to turn inward, to squirrel away nuts of gratitude, to sow seeds for managing fast paced and frenetic December festivities.   And yet, maybe it's more.

What lights you up?   What fuels your passion, sends you soaring, quenches your thirst ... what brings you into your best true self?   Courage on dear friend.  Name it aloud.  Go ahead.  What's the first thing that comes to mind?  And so ... go take the painting class, start a gourmet group, go to golf camp, clean the closets of what no longer becomes you, plant the garden, plan the trip, gather favorite friends around your table.   Follow your passion.  Your dreams are waiting for you - stop dreaming and step towards them.    READ MORE