Posts tagged: gardens

Tulip Mania 4/27/23

Tulip Mania 4/27/23
What in the world is Mother Nature up to?  We arrived in Florida and awoke to a chilly 47 degree temperature with a hefty wind to boot!  And back in Virginia, half of my camellia blooms fell victim to frost.  This tricky March has proven itself to be a florist's refrigerator, and spring's mighty parade of endless blooms will just last longer.  And that's the topic for today - most especially, the magnificent tulip!  READ MORE

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7/4/22 Garden of Earthly Delights

7/4/22 Garden of Earthly Delights
My mother was a gardener, as was her mother.   In my late twenties,  my favorite garden-related activity was to read books where other people wrote about working in their gardens.   It all started with Dee Hardie's column for House Beautiful,  "A View from Thornhill Farm".   Each month, I'd find a quiet moment to savor the new issue's colorfully inspiring interiors, saving Dee's column to devour last - just like a favorite chocolate in a sampler box.  Read more

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5/23/2022 Ode to Lilac and Green

5/23/2022 Ode to Lilac and Green
What is it about the combination of lilac and green that soothes and brightens all at once?   Maybe the design scheme still seems a bit of a surprise, as opposed to say, a room decked out in soft turquoise and white, one which we all know and would happily move into tomorrow.   Or perhaps there's something wired within our brainstem - the part that knows without thinking - that recognizes the beguiling interplay of lilac and green as two of Mother Nature's favorite bedfellows. 

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5/2/22 Mother's Day in Blooming Color

5/2/22 Mother's Day in Blooming Color
Happy Mothers Day week to all the mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and dog mothers out there.   (If you're a veteran Love Note reader, you will know that my dog Chester is an exemplary gift giver.)  While a delivery of flowers is always appreciated, here's a few ideas for Mothers Day gifts with longer lasting beauty. 

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