Posts tagged: summer

6/20/22 Just Plunge In

6/20/22 Just Plunge In
Tomorrow's solstice brings the summer in earnest.   Woo hoo!   To celebrate, we're heading to Nantucket and I'll be taking next Monday off from writing the Love Notes.   Last week, I wrapped up my binge watch of HBO's light docudrama/comedy series "Julia", based on my beloved hero Julia Child.   Her program, "The French Chef", basically invented food TV - to say nothing about breaking the gender barrier and the stereotype for leading ladies of the day.  Read more

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6/13/2022 Golden Glow

6/13/2022 Golden Glow
How do you use a keyboard to type the sound of a long slow exhale breath, like an extended sigh?  In yoga they call it ocean's breath.   Take a deep breath in, and with your lips closed, exhale slowly, audibly, and deeply.  It sounds a little like an ocean wave.   You can try it right now - it's ok, no one is listening and no one cares if you do weird stuff like that nowadays anyway.  Read more

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6/6/22 Shell-o Summer

6/6/22 Shell-o Summer
Oh Lana you are looking oh so fine.  I secretly want to spend an entire afternoon just hanging about in that big pink clam shell, lazing idly among all those pillows.   How about we throw in a good summer read and a bag of Cape Cod Waves potato chips while we're at it.   Ah ... what a perfect lazy summer day that would be. 

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