Posts tagged: fall

Slip Inn to Fall 9/9/24

Slip Inn to Fall 9/9/24
If you're a longstanding Love Note reader, you'll know plenty about my end of summer blues + lackluster enthusiasm for falling into fall (if not, or if you're just looking for a kindred spirit on this topic, then have a read here).  Fall, after all, is the season that brings us brown.   It's also the season when you realize the pants that you haven't worn for three months might not fit so well.    Need I say more?  READ MORE

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Put Another Log on the Fire 10/23/23

Put Another Log on the Fire 10/23/23
There is a story about a hiker making his way up a spectacular trail in the Shenandoah National Forest.   About midway,  he remarks on the large number of downed trees across the path.   He grumbles something about horrible trail maintenance, and is annoyed enough to start counting the number of obstacles blocking his path.   Upon reaching the summit in all its Blue Ridge autumnal splendor, the hiker has what my late father would call an "attitude adjustment meeting with himself".   On the way down, he instead counts the number of cut out logs, making an inventory of where someone before him has cleared the way for others yet to come.   READ MORE

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Tuscan Travels 10/2/23

Tuscan Travels 10/2/23
I hope you can bear with me for one last romp around my Tuscany trip.  For your infinite patience, I'm hoping you might be rewarded with a few useful travel tips, most of which have taken me a half century to discern.  READ MORE

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9/4/22 Summer Love's Labour Lost

9/4/22 Summer Love's Labour Lost
How is it possibly Labo(u)r Day?   Shakespeare knows, "Summer's lease hath all too short a date."  

As we begin to enter the slow windy curve which chauffeurs us into fall, I think at least some of us are excited - soon we can wear boots and cashmere sweaters on a daily basis!    Scents of the harvest will beckon from the kitchen - roasted delicata squash, baked apples and hearty autumn soups.   Evenings by the fire pit await, along with crisp nights sleeping with the windows wide open.    READ MORE

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