Posts tagged: soup

Put Another Log on the Fire 10/23/23

Put Another Log on the Fire 10/23/23
There is a story about a hiker making his way up a spectacular trail in the Shenandoah National Forest.   About midway,  he remarks on the large number of downed trees across the path.   He grumbles something about horrible trail maintenance, and is annoyed enough to start counting the number of obstacles blocking his path.   Upon reaching the summit in all its Blue Ridge autumnal splendor, the hiker has what my late father would call an "attitude adjustment meeting with himself".   On the way down, he instead counts the number of cut out logs, making an inventory of where someone before him has cleared the way for others yet to come.   READ MORE

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2/14/22 Pillow Talk

2/14/22 Pillow Talk
Happy Valentines Day my darlings.   This morning,  we're talking luxurious bedding, cozy comfort food, and a little secret just for you ...
 I am pleased as punch to introduce the first pieces from my new Bespoke collection.   The  limited edition designs are made with unique pearls, gemstones and shells which I truly adore, but sadly cannot get in greater quantities.   

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1/3/22 Nuture Yourself

1/3/22 Nuture Yourself
In the quiet of last week, I tucked into my favorite chair by the fire, and enjoyed some me time reading Willow Crossley's "The Wild Journal:  A Year of Nurturing Yourself Through Nature".    This line resonated: "Have you ever had an incredibly stressful day but found that simply by going outside and encountering nature - in whatever form you find it - you feel a bit happier, calmer and reconnected?"   

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8/16/21 - August Postcard from Maine

8/16/21 - August Postcard from Maine

Greetings from glorious "Vacationland" (the Maine license plates actually say Vacationland).   We have enjoyed our beautiful first two weeks in my idea of paradise, but the last two days have been full of fog, to the point where the sea salt in my little salt dish is all clumped together.   A perfect opportunity to pick up the proverbial pen, or keyboard, as it were.

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