How was your weekend? Full of fresh watermelon and blueberries, I hope. With the Fourth now fully in our rear view mirror, we are officially in the throes of summer. Shell yeah (in this use, "yeah" is pronounced with a minimum of two syllables). Remember last January, when we were DREAMING about sultry summer days like this?
Last Thursday, July 4th, I had the unique privilege of bearing witness to 74 individuals as they turned THEIR DREAMS into reality. On the West Lawn of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, these 74 men and women from 36 countries took the oath of citizenship to become our newest fellow Americans. READ MORE
Posts tagged: july
Shell yeah
Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue 6/19/23
Everyone in my husband's family loves chocolate. Me, not such a fan. I like strawberries. And blueberries. And with downcast eyes, l do hereby humbly confess, I like white chocolate sometimes too. I know, it does taste like soap and it's not even chocolate. I also am a big fan of the red, white and blue. READ MORE